Mature enough for reflection – Editorial
    By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. – Confucius      Court of Final Appeal (TUI) President Sam Hou Fai’s speech at last week’s ceremony marking the formal commencement of the new Judicial Year in which he called for a careful reflection on Macau’s Portuguese-style legal system ruffled a few feathers in the legal fraternity
October 19, 2020
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Tackling COVID-19 – a high-wire act without a safety net yet – Editorial
Editorial       The haphazard way some governments such as those of the US and UK have been tackling COVID-19 reminds me of flying trapeze acts without safety harnesses or at least a safety net by circus performers in the not-so-distant past. Nowadays, trapeze acts generally require safety inspections by the authorities before the performers are allowed to take off from a slim board on the fly bar. As a kid I was fascinated by the daredevil circus performances a few times a
September 28, 2020 | BY admin
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Cooperative coexistence of Macau’s 3 branches of govt – Editorial
September 22, 2020 | BY admin
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Cooperative coexistence of Macau’s 3 branches of government – Editorial
     Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor’s remarks earlier this month that there is no Western-style separation of powers in the special administrative region’s executive-led political system stirred up a hornet’s nest – among opposition politicians and some segments of the legal fraternity in particular.Lam said the accurate view of Hong Kong’s political system was that its three branches of government – executive, legislature, judiciary – perform
September 21, 2020 | BY admin
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Editorial: New central library should be functional & exude dignity - Chinese translation
September 15, 2020 | BY admin
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New central library should be functional & exude dignity--Editorial
Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) President Mok Ian Ian made my day when she announced on Thursday that the government will finally get its long-delayed new central library project off the ground. As a die-hard bibliophile I have been attracted to libraries since my childhood. I spent much of my university years in Munich in the colossal but poorly-lit reading hall of the Bavarian State Library. Well, I must admit that I spent large part of my presence in the library’s ground-floor café because I
September 14, 2020 | BY admin
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Civil protection team deserves a hearty pat on the back – Editorial
Editorial Initially I planned to write this editorial on Wednesday, i.e. just a few hours after the rarely hoisted storm warning signal No. 10 had been lowered by our meteorologists, but I decided to delay it by one day so that I could ask more residents about their views on the government’s civil protection measures before, during and after Typhoon Higos.I had expected to hear mostly favourable opinions but to my surprise I heard no negative views at all. The Civil Protection Operations
August 21, 2020 | BY admin
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Taking pity on Hong Kong – Editorial
When Swindon in Lock Road, my favourite bookshop in Hong Kong for four decades, closed for good on Friday I couldn’t help but take pity, once again, on the Fragrant Harbour. According to Hong Kong media reports, the famed bookshop’s demise was due to a variety of reasons such as the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and a years-long rent dispute with the landlord. It may sound like a hackneyed phrase, but Swindon, which opened in 1918, was surely an institution. I will miss it.
August 3, 2020 | BY admin
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Expecting HK to enter post-delusional era – Editorial
EditorialFollowing Tuesday night’s enactment of Hong Kong’s national security law drafted by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), which was slammed by 27 Western nations but backed by 52 other countries during a session of the UN Human Rights Council this week, I hope that Hong Kong will finally be able to enter a post-delusional era of socio-political development based on political realism. The main problem of Hong Kong’s anti-government protest movement
July 3, 2020 | BY admin
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A matter of trust, control & responsibility – Editorial
It’s an old habit of mine to reread books that I bought years or even decades ago, sometimes because they are simply too good to not read them again such as one of my favourite novels, “La Colmena” (“The Hive”) by Camilo José Cela, or because of their timeless topicality such as “O Jogo em Macau” (“Gaming in Macau”). I decided to reread the latter in the wake of Dr Stanley Ho Hung Sun’s passing late last month when I was asked by quite a number of journalists and
June 19, 2020 | BY admin
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‘Let him who is without sin cast the first stone’ – Editorial
EditorialThe West’s self-righteous support for Hong Kong’s anti-government protesters by deliberately turning a blind eye to their rioting and vandalism reminds me of one of the best-known utterances attributed to Jesus in the Bible that I learnt during my two years of religious lessons as a Lutheran confirmand in my teens: “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” I have been an agnostic for decades now, but some of what Jesus is said to have said
June 1, 2020 | BY admin
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Not the end but hopefully a new beginning for HK – Editorial
     When the central authorities revealed in Beijing last week that they were preparing to legislate on Hong Kong’s long-delayed national security issue, the special administrative region’s “pan-democrat” lawmaker Dennis Kwok Wing-hang claimed apocalyptically that “this is the end of Hong Kong.” Well, I beg to differ. Quite the reverse, I hope that it will be a new beginning for Hong Kong so that after the national security law agenda is finally off the
May 25, 2020 | BY admin
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‘Happy zeros’ show successful fight against COVID-19 – Editorial
Health Bureau (SSM) Director Lei Chin Ion was a bearer of glad tidings this week when he announced on Tuesday what I may call Macau’s “happy zeros” concerning the local fight against COVID-19.  Lei noted that Macau has brought the number of novel coronavirus patients down from 45 to zero and also has been able to keep the number of infected healthcare workers at zero. Most importantly, the number of COVID-19 deaths has remained at zero since the first case was confirmed in Macau
May 21, 2020 | BY admin
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The Lancet editorial shows how the West turns away from the truth
Commentary by Tom Fowdy* On April 18, the peer reviewed medical journal, The Lancet, published an article titled “Sustaining containment of COVID-19 in China.” The piece set out to explore how “The quick containment of COVID-19 in China is impressive and sets an encouraging example for other countries” citing what it describes as “aggressive public health interventions ... early detection of cases, contact tracing, and population behavioral change” as paramount to the
April 24, 2020 | BY admin
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COVID-19 fighters boost civil service image – Editorial
The round-the-clock struggle of Macau’s health care workers, law enforcement officers and other government employees against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has given a big boost to the image of our civil service, the Health Bureau in particular, apart from potentially saving countless lives. All those involved in the local authorities’ battle against the highly infectious virus have shown that Macau’s civil servants can indeed be diligent, competent and efficient,
April 20, 2020 | BY admin
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