Ho Iat Seng vows to promote new progress in ‘One Country, Two Systems’ practice

2024-03-14 04:45
BY Yuki Lei

The Liaison Office yesterday held a briefing on the spirit of this year’s “two sessions”, during which Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng summed up his six-point “reflections” in line with Macau’s actual situation, Zheng Xincong, director of the Liaison Office, put forward four suggestions, while Edmund Ho Hau Wah, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said that Macau should not stay aloof from the mainland’s reform and opening-up drive, or else it would only lag behind and become detached in the end.

Hard on the heels of the closing meetings of the annual sessions of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the National Committee of the CPPCC in Beijing on Monday and Sunday respectively, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) hosted the briefing at its headquarters in Zape. Edmund Ho, Zheng, Chief Executive Ho, Lao Ngai Leong representing Macau’s 12 NPC deputies, former Macau chief executive Fernando Chui Sai On and Chui Sai Cheong representing Macau’s different sectors of civil society sat on the rostrum for the briefing. 

Huang Liuquan, a deputy director of the Liaison Office, presided over the briefing, which was attended by over 260 senior government officials and community leaders. 

Chief executive’s 6 ‘reflections’

Addressing the briefing, Ho Iat Seng mentioned his six points of reflections – implementing the “One Country, Two Systems” principle precisely and firmly and consolidating the safeguarding of national security; implementing the government’s Development Plan for Appropriate Economic Diversification of the MSAR (2024-2028) aiming to promote the high-quality development of Macau’s economy; giving full play to Macau’s own advantages to support the nation in expanding its high-quality opening to the outside world; constantly optimising the work to improve people’s livelihoods; promoting the in-depth reform of public administration and fully improving the effectiveness of governance; and consolidating and strengthening love for the motherland and Macau, while maintaining harmony and stability in civil society.      

Ho said: “Under the strong leadership of the central government, with President Xi Jinping at its core, we must adhere to the underlying principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, fully, accurately and unswervingly implement the new development philosophy, fully and accurately implement the principle of “One Country, Two Systems”, give full play to the strengths of Macau in light of the city’s actual conditions, learn and implement the spirit of the ‘two sessions’, concentrate our efforts and take practical measures to implement the decision-making of the central government, step up efforts to properly carry out the work of the MSAR in all aspects, and continue to realise residents’ aspirations for a better life by joining forces.”

Zheng’s 4 suggestions 

Following Ho’s speech, Zheng put forward four views for Macau’s development on studying and implementing Xi’s important speeches and the spirit of the “two sessions”. 

The first is to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the “two sessions”, aligning one’s thoughts and actions with the central government’s decision-making. 

The second is to accurately grasp the overall situation and trends and to strengthen one’s determination and confidence to promote high-quality development. 

The third is to resolutely implement the central government’s arrangements, welcoming the 25th anniversary of Macau’s return to the motherland with outstanding achievements.

The fourth is to enhance one’s sense of honour, responsibility and mission, demonstrating a new spirit of loving the country and Macau through practical actions.

Zheng encouraged people from all walks of life to put the spirit of the “two sessions” into practice in order to enhance the Macau community and international community’s confidence in the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.

 “This year is a ‘big year’ for Macau, with a series of important and joyful events such as the 25th anniversary of its return to the motherland, the election of the 6th chief executive and the change of government, and the 6th Ministerial Conference of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macau,” he added. 

‘Macau people can’t stay in the mindset of a few decades ago’: Edmund Ho

Wrapping up the about 1 ½-hour briefing, Edmund Ho said that as the nation continues with its modernisation with Chinese characteristics, Macau people must catch up with the times: “Our mindset cannot always remain stuck in the past few decades, always thinking that Macau was already a free economy and an open city and that reform and opening up were only a matter for the mainland”.

With regard to reform and opening-up, Macau cannot stay aloof from the process, Edmund Ho underlined, calling for Macau’s integration into the overall situation of the nation’s development and taking its “high-speed train”, as otherwise the city would inevitably fall behind in the end.

Edmund Ho was the first chief executive of the MSAR between December 1999 and December 2009.

While Macau faces many opportunities, there are also many difficulties, such as for  small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), said Edmund Ho, who expressed his hope that Macau’s civil society as a whole would support the local government: “Macau should be determined to comprehensively improve its business environment, attract foreign investment, optimise and simplify its laws, improve its administrative efficiency, and build a flexible and efficient government, so as to enhance its competitiveness and be better equipped to integrate itself into the nation’s overall situation”. 

Macau Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng (third from right), Central People’s Government Liaison Office in the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Director Zheng Xincong (third from left) and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee Vice Chairman Edmund Ho Hau Wah (centre), as well as Lao Ngai Leong (right), one of Macau’s 12 NPC deputies, former chief executive Fernando Chui Sai On (second from right), and Chui Sai Cheong (left), convener representing Macau’s different segments of civil society, attend yesterday’s briefing at the headquarters of the Liaison Office in Zape about this year’s “two sessions” held in Beijing earlier this month. – Photo: Yuki Lei


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