
Police say white powder around city didn’t kill cats

2021-03-03 03:21     Comment:0

The Public Security Police (PSP) said in a statement yesterday that a white powder scattered around the city did not kill the two cats found in Avenida de Venceslau de Morais in Areia Preta and Rua da Bacia Sul in Patane on Sunday and Monday respectively.

According to the statement, on Sunday the police received a number of reports regarding a suspicious white powder found around the city in the northern, central and San Kio districts. The statement added that on the same day a dead cat was reported to the police at an industrial building in Avenida de Venceslau de Morais, pointing out that some suspicious white powder was found near the building. The statement also said that many people on the internet spread a rumour that the white powder was the cause of the cats’ deaths.

The statement noted that on Monday another feline carcass was found in Rua da Bacia Sul in Patane.

The statement said that on Monday police officers arrested a foreign man who had scattered the white powder. The statement said that the man was involved in a city navigation activity, adding that he had scattered white powder in 20 different streets to mark the location. The statement said that after investigation, the police believed that the man used edible glutinous powder and rice powder for location marking.

The statement did not reveal the man’s nationality.

Moreover, the statement noted that the white powder found at the industrial building belonged to a food product company, adding that it might have accidentally left edible white powder in the street. The statement pointed out that according to an autopsy of the feline found at the industrial building, it did not die from poisoning.

The statement also clarified that the white powder found in Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga belonged to workers who moved furniture, adding that the white powder was a kind of construction material.

The statement also pointed out that the dead cat found in Rua da Bacia Sul in Patane belonged to a pet owner who did not install proper safety frames. The statement said the cat fell from a height and died. The police notified the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) to follow-up on the case.

The police urged residents not to believe or spread false rumours. The police also said that if residents find any dead animal carcasses they should inform the police by calling 2875 3333 or IAM’s hotline 2887 0120.

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